Learning environments that support student development
Global Education Park Finland is a network that offers partnerships in creating educational excellence. The visit programs and services are flexibly tailored according to the customer’s individual needs.

Learning environment development in the area of Joensuu
- We are proud to present our wide variety of institutions and learning premises for different educational purposes.
- Our network has several deserving experts in the area that are specialised in learning environment design.
- We are pleased to share our experiences and research based know-how.
- Discover the secrets to successfully developing learning environments!
Here following are some select examples of interesting learning environments to visit
The educational premises will appear in the following order when scrolling down:
- Early education
- Basic education
- Upper secondary education
- Karelia university of applied sciences
- University of Eastern Finland
1. Learning environment development
An introductory course based on the principal of progressing from theory to practice

- This one week course is designed for educational personnel interested in the development of learning environments.
- The course includes theory, site visits, workshops and a look at the continuously developing process.
- Well-functioning learning environments promote interaction, participation and community-based building of students’ knowledge.
- The objective of developing learning environments is that learning environments form a pedagogically versatile and flexible entity.
- In today’s design work, it is highly significant to take the specific needs of the different subjects and learners into account.
- In addition to the school facilities, the teaching utilises the environment outside the school premises.
- Many collaborators such as libraries, sports, art and nature centers and museums offer diverse learning environments.
- You are warmly welcome to visit our learning environments.
2. Early education: Daycare centers
Niinivaara daycare center, public
The speciality of this modern daycare center is to provide daycare service all day round
- This day care center is specially designed for children whose parents work in shifts and the children need to stay in the center also during night times
- Welcome to observe how to provide cozy and safe facilities for several groups of children working in the same day care premises.
- The peaceful location of the day care center is in the heart of Niinivaara region, 20 minutes walk for the city centre.
- Read more about early education
The English Kindergarten in Joensuu, private
The speciality of this daycare center is to be the only English-language kindergarten in the area
- The kindergarten’s premises are in an idyllic old mansion of Linnunniemi, situated by the lake Pyhäselkä.
- The scenic surrounding provides an ideal operational environment for the children.
- Location is approximately 15 minutes’ walk from the city centre.
- Welcome to observe how children are inspired to learn the English language and different cultures in natural every day situations.
- Read more about early education
3. Basic education schools
Karhunmäki Comprehensive School
An inspiring new learning environment that meets the goals of the curriculum as effectively as possible

- The school space consists of three “dens”. Each of the dens have four homerooms. The homerooms can be joined by movable partitions, both with each other and a common area in the middle of the homerooms.
- The dens use movable partition walls as used between a stage and a gymnasium. This makes it possible to open the classrooms into the central common area and expand the learning environments as needed.
- The modern technology is ensured by the AV equipment in each classroom, tablets for use by pupils and laptop computers.
- The schoolyard is literally filled with different climbing equipment and mini-arenas, which motivate the children to stay active during recess.
- One extraordinary fact is that the building has been built to consume as little energy as possible.
- Read more about basic education
Heinävaara Comprehensive School
A fully wood-framed school building with an open plan design
- The architecturally interesting primary school building.
- A new module building taken for use in 2018.
- The school center will serve the pupils of the whole range of basic education but also the inhabitants of the area.
- Welcome to see how a school center functions as a heart of a countryside area offering activities for the whole village communion.
- Read more about basic education
Rekivaara Comprehensive School
A modern school located in the middle of a rural milieu
- The school is located in scenic surroundings in the countryside.
- The school is also equipped with state-of-the-art technology.
- Welcome to explore how a traditional rural landscape school meets the challenges and goals of today’s curriculum.
- Read more about basic education
Kanervala Comprehensive School
The only English-speaking primary school in the region of Joensuu
- The school combines traditional educational and instruction approaches with digital approaches.
- The aim is to bring the learning closer to the everyday lives of the pupils, thus enhancing the resources they will need in the future.
- Welcome to observe how to improve the pupil’s foreign language skills while fulfilling the other goals of the national curriculum.
- Read more about basic education
Lyseo Comprehensive School
Designed to be inspiring learning environment in the middle of the city centre
- A popular school of the Joensuu city center.
- An architecturally inspiring school building.
- The school has created a multifaceted learning environment, in which the furniture solutions will help to promote a variety of learning approaches.
- This offers space also relaxation exercises.
- Read more about basic education
The Finnish-Russian School of Eastern Finland
The only Finnish-Russian School of Eastern Finland is the only international language school outside of the capital area
- Offers bilingual education from pre-school education until the end of upper secondary school education.
- The school has created one-to-one mobile learning environments over a period of several years.
- Pupils are given their personal tablets for study purposes.
- Read more from the webpage of the Finnish-Russian school
Normaalikoulu Upper Secondary School
The teaching training school with excellent learning facilities
- “Norssi” is a university school that also performs as a teacher training school.
- A cosy but modern, hi-tech learning environment.
- Read more from the webpage of Norssi.
4. General upper secondary education
Joensuu Communal Upper Secondary School
- A fascinating school of today in an interesting architectural fusion building.
- The school building is combined with old charm and highly modern facilities.
- The design features some outstanding specialities such as disco ball, coloured lights and state-of-the-art audio-visual technology in fully-equipped art studio.
- Read more about the upper secondary education
Joensuu Lyseo Upper Secondary School
- Finland’s second-oldest Finnish-speaking secondary school has long traditions as a school of the city center.
- The learning environments offer well designed high standard all in physical, digital and pedagogical learning aspects.
- In order to meet the requirements of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme, the physical environment boasts a well-equipped chemistry laboratory, fully-equipped science classrooms and a school library with more resources than normal.
- Read more about the upper secondary education
5. Riveria – vocational education & training
The selected learning environments from the institutions of Riveria are introduced below:
- Mining and land construction institution
- Vocational Forestry College Valtimo
- Game development & 3D production education
Mining and land construction institution
The unique learning environment nationwide
- This professional mining institution is a significant part of Finnish mining history.
- The mining education institution was established in 1953 in Outokumpu where it also runs today – continuously developed and modernised.
- There are no other mining education institutions in Finland with such long traditions, strong expertise and training equipment with the latest technology.
- The institution has active co-operation with the business sector and the equipment manufacturers.
- For the mining and land construction industry, the institution arranges training and expert services. The training programmes are tailored individually according to the customer’s needs.
- The operating environment is not geographically limited, but the equipment used for teaching can be transferred when needed.
- Read more about the institution of Riveria
Vocational Forestry College Valtimo
Highly respected educator and trainer in the forest machinery sector
- During the past 25 years Valtimo College has been in the unique position to deliver education and training courses to all other continents except the Antarctic.
- A unique and useful visit destination.
- Visitors have valued especially high the gained experience of the equipment observation, technology spaces and simulator rooms.
- Welcome to explore the best expertise in the forest education and machinery.
- Read more about the institution of Riveria
“Every time you visit Valtimo, you learn something new”
Game development & 3D production education
A unique game training programme nationwide
- There are no other similar game education study programmes in the level of upper secondary education in Finland.
- The special emphasis of the study programme is on the 3D production & high-quality results of 3D graphic design.
- Students in the Programme are known to be particularly skilled in the visual production of games.
- The college is located in Outokumpu, North Karelia, between the cities of Joensuu and Kuopio.
- Welcome to visit and learn about the high-quality gaming training, which is specialised in the graphic design of the product visuality.
- Read more about the institution of Riveria
6. Karelia University of Applied Sciences
The selected learning environments:
Sirkkala Energy Park
- The Sirkkala Energy Park is a bioeconomy development and learning environment.
- It demonstrates the possibilities for building properties to generate renewable heating and electricity self-sufficiently as part of a larger heating and power grid.
- The Energy Park also serves as a testing and development facility for new renewable energy technologies and applications.
- The Energy Park’s facilities allow for the functional testing of new heat production equipment and small-scale development work.
- Read more about the Karelia UAS
Fascinating simulation exercise service environment
- A modern dynamic learning and service environment.
- Its purpose is to provide a safe, confidential and community-oriented environment for exercises in a variety of learning situations.
- Simula’s facilities turn into a clinic, home, ward or scene of an accident according to the educational needs of the moment.
- Simulation pedagogy is used in the simulation exercises.
- Exercises are performed in conditions simulating the real world circumstances.
- A great way to learn both technical skills and non-technical skills, such as multi-professional team work, interpersonal skills, leadership, decision-making, situational awareness and management of a situation.
- Read more about the Karelia UAS
An excellent training environment for physiotherapy students
- Through the training environment physiotherapy services are offered for senior citizens.
- Fysiotikka’s services include personalised functional capacity evaluations, counselling and group activities.
- In Fysiotikka, students are able to take part in physiotherapy in real client situations.
- The students’ performance is guided and monitored by a licensed physiotherapist.
- Read more about the Karelia UAS
7. University of Eastern Finland
The selected learning environments:
LUMA UEF helps schools in teaching science and mathematics by offering facilities, education, equipment and material for learning purposes for local schools, teachers, teacher trainees, students and pupils.
- The LUMA team organizes activities and events that inspire the learning of science and mathematics.
- These events include science fairs, open lectures, education for teachers and students, school visits, and many more.
- LUMA Center of the University of Eastern Finland belongs to nationwide LUMA Center Finland network consisting of 13 centers located in different areas in Finland.
- The shared vision of this network is to guarantee high level of know-how in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and ensure a sufficient number of professionals for the related fields.
- An integral aspect of this is to increase motivation and interest in these subjects.
- The use of the laboratory, and many material is free of charge for schools.
- Read more about the LUMA UEF
An inspiring virtual laboratory
- Sm4rtlab is a revolutionary augmented reality environment, which combines science and teaching in photonics.
- In this photonics laboratory, a scientist can control their photonics research using remote controlled lasers, lenses, microscopes and other components, which are operated from their own desk either with a computer or a Microsoft HoloLens.
- The environment can be used for educational purposes as well.
- It is possible to visit the premises but also get a virtual tour offered anywhere.
- Read about the Sm4rtlab
The training pharmacy
Students develop their future professionalism in a simulated environment
- The School of Pharmacy has excellent facilities that simulate a pharmacy environment.
- At the premises, students are trained in how to prescribe medicines, in self-medication delivery and in customer counseling.
- Students are able to practice using a professional pharmacy information portal and systems.
- Drug delivery is practiced through simulated customer cases.
- The training pharmacy’s premises are equipped with modern video equipment, which means the training sessions can be recorded and skills developed for future pharmacy practice.
- Read more about the School of Pharmacy
Carelia 24/7 learning environment
Multiple studying facilities and a cozy atmosphere at the Joensuu Campus Library
- The environment includes the facilities and equipment of the library, information technology services, and students’ e-support services.
- Outside the opening hours, the premises can be used independently in the late evenings, early mornings, or even during the night.
- Carelia 24/7 provides its users with computers, course materials, and a variety of convenient studying environments.
- Read more about Carelia 24/7 learning space from the page of UEF